2010 Infiniti Fx35 Front Brake Pad Hardware

Which Brake Pads Are the Best?

by Joshua Benjamin

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What restriction pads you want to buy for your car depends on several different considerations: what kind of car you accept, what your budget is. Practise you prefer placidity brakes, more efficient ones, which wear less on your rotor? Considering of this, at that place is no like shooting fish in a barrel "this is the brake pad you want" respond; yet, some pads exercise offer better quality than others. This article is not a breakdown of what brands and manufacturers are out at that place, merely rather a general overview of the four unlike types of brake pads ordinarily available.

Non-Asbestos Organic

Mostly the cheapest brake pad you'll discover in any auto parts store, non-asbestos organic (NAO)--or just "organic"--pads are synthetic from, surprise, organic materials such as kevlar and carbon. These pads are softer and create less noise when braking, only besides wear out faster and kick up more braking dust due to their less resilient materials. They are generally considered of poorer quality amidst qualified mechanics, and are usually merely recommended if cost is an result, and long pad life is not.

Low Metal NAO

Found most often in European cars, low-metallic brake pads are pretty much what their proper name suggests. Like to organic pads in that more half their composition is made upwards of organic materials, low-metallic pads likewise include pocket-sized amounts of copper or steel to add to the resilience of the pad. Low-metallic pads provide decent braking action, only tin can also exist noisy and wear out quickly, albeit not as apace as organic due to the added materials. Users also often complain that the brake pads leave a black balance on alloy wheels, so factor that into your decision every bit well.


The semi-metallic pad is not as popular with motorists these days as it was in the past, and the reason for that is one simple word: noise. The semi-metallic is synthetic from steel and other metals, and while it offers practiced performance and wears out more than slowly than the organic brakes, it is as well oftentimes noticeably louder than the organics. It also tends to article of clothing harder on your rotor, which is another factor you ought to take into consideration. Withal, if you don't mind the noise, the semi-metallic is a proficient all-around brake pad, and normally quite reasonably priced.


Ceramic pads are generally considered to be the best in quality of the four types of pads. Quieter than semi-metallic, cleaner than the organics, and the composition of the pad allows for a smoother, more than consistent braking "feel." They besides tend to wear out slower than the other iii pads, although their performance is lowered at higher temperatures. They are also the most expensive make of pad, usually costing upwardly to twice as much every bit any of the other kinds. Nonetheless, if quality is what y'all're afterwards, and you lot don't listen paying the extra money for it, the ceramics may be right up your alley.

In Determination

This is simply a very general overview of the four types of restriction pads nigh commonly stocked in machine parts stores; there are dozens of brands out in that location, and the composition and effectiveness of each brand volition differ from ane to another. To find out what pads are best for your specific motorcar, consult a qualified mechanic, or your local automobile dealer to find out what originally came with your vehicle. Chances are, those will be the most effective kind y'all tin can get.

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